The Bullet Proof Diet -- Book Cover

The Bulletproof Diet

Lose Up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Energy and Focus, Upgrade Your Life

Dave Asprey

The Father of Biohacking

Dave Asprey, known as the “Father of Biohacking” brings the mind of a software developer to the world of nutrition, fitness, health, and well-being. After struggling with chronic weight issues, inhibited cognitive performance, and many other health related problems, Dave had the idea to view the human system like an operating system. By doing so, he could “hack” the results he was seeking by determining and controlling the root causes of his poor health. This idea led him on a journey in which he spent around a million dollars experimenting with his own health, eventually leading to the formation of The Bulletproof Diet.

The Big Picture

The Bulletproof Diet focuses little on how much you should eat, meanwhile placing heavy emphasis on what you should eat, when you should eat it, and how it should be prepared. Furthermore, The Bulletproof Diet is less of a diet and more of a lifestyle, including recommendations for optimizing sleep and exercise, both of which he shares the idea of less being more when you get it right. Something I really appreciate about The Bulletproof Diet is that it is about optimal health and longevity. Sadly, it has become all too common to promote performance enhancement and to provide roadmaps to weight loss that don’t consider the long term effect on overall health.

The Big Picture

Although The Bulletproof Diet is heavily cited with scientific studies as well as anecdotal evidence and Dave’s personal experiences, in the end, what matters most is how the individual responds. The Bulletproof Diet is more so a set of guidelines and recommendations (grounded in science and experience) to unlock your full health potential. However, we are all individuals and what works for one may not work identically the same for others. Dave recognizes this and often makes recommendations for the reader to listen to their body. Furthermore, he promotes the use of various methods for tracking biometrics in addition to tests that can be performed by your physician. Plain and simple, everything is a recommendation, with the greater recommendation being the invitation to become a “biohacker” yourself and discover your body's unique metabolic needs and how it responds to diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes.

Bulletproof Coffee

A key component to The Bulletproof Diet is Bulletproof coffee. Dave’s unique practice of mixing high quality fats into the popular morning beverage is not only a tasty way to start the day, but I personally find that it meets the claims related to energy, mental performance, and satiety as touted in the book. Much discussion is had not only on the importance of the type of fats you use (grass fed butter and MCT oil), but also on the quality of the coffee that is used to brew the magical formula. Adhering to a “first do no harm” mentality, Dave exposes the all to common existence of mold toxins within coffee and the disruptance that these potentially exhibit within our bodies. This fact was largely responsible for the birth of Bulletproof Coffee, in which Dave sources only the best beans to meet his strict standards, ensuring that those seeking a high grade coffee without the ever-popular mold toxins could purchase with confidence.

Not a coffee drinker? You might be by the end of this book after learning all the potential health and performance benefits that a cup of coffee can have. Already a coffee drinker? Give Dave’s recommendations a try and then give a listen to your body… that’s the invitation.

A few of my favorite quotes from the book!

(...) biohacking – the art of using technology to change the environment both inside and outside of your body to take control and make it do what you want.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
Looking and feeling sick, tired, fat, or weak is not an option, and you were not meant to be that way.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
You’re the one who matters, and what works for one person – including me – may not be the precise formula for you, but the core principles are the same!
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
(...) there are many elements of your environment that affect your performance, but there is no more powerful variable than your diet when you’re trying to control your body to get the outcome you desire.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
(...) your diet is the foundation behind not only your weight, but also you IQ, stress levels, risk of disease, physical performance, aging and even willpower.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
(...) plants did not evolve for use to eat them; they evolved complex defense systems to keep us from eating them!
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
If you’re not feeling amazing, there is always a reason.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
It turns out that the majority of the dietary wisdom that’s been passed down to us is based on a combination of marketing, misinformation, and fear.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
willpower has been proven to be a limited resource. You can run out of willpower every day, and it doesn’t work to renew your supply simply by deciding to do so.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
Let’s face it: Being hungry is a massive waste of time. It takes your attention away from more important matters and increases the number of mistakes you make on any given task.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
You are not weak if you give in to your food cravings. You are simply eating the wrong things or not enough of the right things!
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
When you start focusing not on the number of calories you consume but rather the quality of your food and the nutrition it provides, your body will respond in kind.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
“Everything in moderation” leads to just moderate performance. Reject moderation and aim for something greater. Moderation has nothing to do with being Bulletproof.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
If an animal isn’t fed nutritious food, it won’t become nutritious food. Avoiding death is great and all, but living up to your full potential is even better.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet
(...) every meal is an opportunity to make better choices that will boost your performance and make you more Bulletproof.
Dave Asprey : The Bulletproof Diet

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