The Challenge:One Week = One Book

It really is that simple.  Make reading a daily priority and over the course of the year you will have read 52 new books!  Take a moment and imagine the knowledge, skills, and wisdom you will have accumulated.  What type of transformation will this lead to?  Imagine if you did this year after year!  

Lessons learned the easy way

I’ve heard it said, “A smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from other’s”.  I’ve also come to understand the idea of “lessons learned the hard way” and “lessons learned the easy way”.  For me, reading is just one way I choose to learn lessons the easy way.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned plenty of lessons the hard way in my life, so I know what a slow and painful process it is!  Furthermore, some events in our lives may only come around once.  Thankfully, great minds of the past and present are here to help guide us on our journeys.

People are like sponges

People are like sponges.  As in, we will absorb whatever we surround ourselves with.  Additionally, just like a sponge, when we get squeezed (under pressure, stressed), whatever we have been soaking up comes out.  If the majority of your time is spent surrounded by drama and negativity, then likely when you are stressed you will respond negatively and in a dramatic fashion.  To the contrary, when we are saturated with positivity and beliefs of abundance, our response is more likely to be that of one that looks to see the opportunity that is otherwise being overlooked.

What about books I can’t finish in a week?

Of course, some books are much longer than others. This challenge is less about being strict on the book a week, and more so about being strict on establishing a consistent reading practice. The overarching goal is to read 52 books over the course of the year.

Personally, for longer books, I am reading them concurrently alongside shorter books until I get to a point that I am confident I can complete the remainder of the book throughout the upcoming week. So in essence, I complete a book a week… but some have proven to be a greater undertaking.

Big book on success and empowerment

This Weeks Book

How to relax - book cover

How To Relax

— Thich Nhat Hanh

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