An Adventure
James Redfield
The Celestine Prophecy tells the story of a man who finds himself on an adventure throughout Peru after becoming aware of an ancient “Manuscript” recently discovered containing “Insights” regarding the past, present, and future states of humanity. On the surface, the story is entertaining, even shocking at times. It is also written in a rare fashion in which the main character is never named. In fact, we know little about the main character other than the experiences they undergo throughout the adventure. It appears this is done to help the reader connect with the character, as they could be just about anyone. Beyond the surface however, the story inspires reflection and invites the reader to consider what could be if humanity could raise its consciousness as a whole.
I would have been in my early twenties when this book was first recommended. I will admit, at the time… I was not much of a reader and no action was taken, but I recall the recommendation clearly. I also recall the next two times it was recommended before I realized it was time. About twenty years have now passed since I first read The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and I can confidently say that it did not disappoint the second time through. If anything, having more life experience, a growing self-awareness, and the perspective that the past is a place to draw strength and wisdom from has allowed me to connect with the underlying messages throughout the book much deeper than before.
One of the ideas shared within the storyline is the idea that a large part of who we are has to do with resolving the conflict between our parents. In essence, there was some world view that our parents had in which their opinions differed from each other. Although they may have been able to respect each other’s opinions (or possibly, it was not so civil), as a child, we were left to reconcile these differing world views, creating ambiguity and insecurity. These conflicting world views could be about religion, politics, responsibility, health, relationship… really anything that matters. What matters is that this dichotomy existed and the story postulates that subconsciously we seek an answer to this internal conflict. Not only do we seek an answer, this internal conflict is something that fuels us, gives us energy. Seeking “our” truth, and sharing it with others is a sort of a “life mission” if you will.
(…) we’re beginning to glimpse an alternative kind of experience… moments in our lives that feel different somehow, more intense and inspiring.Charlene James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
History is not just the evolution of technology; it is the evolution of thought.Dobson James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
(…) in the past, you might have said God was responsible, or the devil, But as the medieval world view breaks down, that certainty goes with it. All the things you took for granted now need new definition, especially the nature of God and your relationship to God Dobson.Dobson James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
The basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that defies our old mechanistic model of the universe.Sarah Lorner James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
This is what human conflict has always been about, at every level: from all the petty conflict in families and employment settings to wars between nations. It’s the result of feeling insecure and weak and having to steal someone else's energy to feel okay.Wilson James James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
You do not make yourself love, you allow love to enter you.priest James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
(…) if we are repeating one particular scene over and over, then the other scenes of our real life movie, the high adventure marked by coincidences, can't go forward.Father Sanchez James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
Almost all of us tend to be stuck, at least some of the time, in a drama and we have to step back and look at ourselves long enough to discover what it is.Father Sanchez James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
Don’t confuse calmness with carelessnessFather Sanchez James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
You were born to these two people and their lives had an irrevocable effect on who you are. To discover your real self, you must admit that the real you began in a position between their truths.Father Carl James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
If you view your life as one story, from birth to right now, you’ll be able to see how you have been working on this question all along.Father Carl James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
(…) the West is correct in maintaining that life is about progress, about evolving toward something higher. Yet the East is also correct in emphasizing that we must let go of control with the ego.Father Carl James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
We all have a spiritual purpose, a mission, that we have been pursuing without being fully aware of it, and once we bring it completely into consciousness, our lives can take off.Father Carl James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
When a thought comes, we must ask why? Why did this particular thought come now? How does it relate to my life questions?Pablo James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
(…) covert manipulations for energy can’t exist if you bring them into consciousness by pointing them out.Julia James Redfield : The Celestine Prophecy
The Coaching Habit offers 7 questions to improve your communication skills as a manager, leader and role-model. Make coaching a habit and unlock your potential.
Continuing in the teachings of his father, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. further illustrates domestication while bringing new wisdom in the realms of attachment and love
“Earthing”, the practice of being grounded through connection to the Earth’s surface is now being validated through clinical studies and scientific research.